Computing must be built on four pillars: reliability, security,
privacy, and business integrity.
means that a computer system is dependable, is available when
needed, and performs as expected and at appropriate levels. |
| Security
means that a system is resilient to attack and that the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of both the system
and its data are protected. |
| Privacy
means that individuals have the ability to control data about
themselves and that those using such data faithfully adhere to
fair information principles. |
| Business
integrity is about companies in our industry being responsible
to customers and helping them find appropriate solutions for
their business issues, addressing problems with products or
services, and being open in interactions with customers. |
To track
and measure its progress, CipherSync has created a framework for
the security objectives of Trustworthy Computing: Secure by
Design, Secure by Default, Secure in Deployment, and
Communications. Our services include, but are not limited to:
| Building
a secure network architecture |
| Adding
security features |
| Reducing
vulnerabilities |
Detecting intrusions and violations |
Operational Problems |
Recovering computers that have been compromised |
Coordinating the protection, detection, defense and recovery of
critical systems |
| Getting
accurate information and patches out quickly when
vulnerabilities are discovered |
| Helping
customers understand how to operate their systems securely with
tools and prescriptive guides |
Providing warning of new attacks and new best practices that
evolve in response to threats and changes in technology |
| Security
Certification and Accreditations (C&A) |
Compliance (e.g. HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley) Security.